Muladhara Chakra Therapy by Dr. Christie

The first of the primary 7 chakras is the muladhara chakra. In English it is referred to as the root chakra. In Sanskrit, muladhara is divided into two terms: mula meaning root and adhara meaning the basis or foundation. This chakra is symbolized by four red petals representing the four compass directions of north, south, east and west. The muladhara chakra is the seat of kundalini energy where pranic energy is accumulated. The health and abundance of this chakra determines how well prana can ascend to the higher chakras.

Anatomically, the muladhara is located at the base of the spine, between the anus and genitals. Physiologically it provides supportive prana to the glandular system, pelvis, anus, colon, adrenal glands, genitals, coccyx, sacral spine, hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet and bones. The governing sense organ and action is the nose and sense of smell. The correlating meridian is the circulation and large intestine meridian.

Psychologically, the muladhara supports emotions related to survival, will to live, power, vitality, self esteem and security. Information regarding superstitions, loyalty, instinct, touch, pain and pleasure are stored here. The shadow emotion that creates imbalance at the level of the muladhara is fear.  This chakra is primarily developed between the ages 0-6 years old. Children at this age need to feel safe, protected, well grounded and stable. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs addresses a base tier that includes food, water, sleep, shelter and basic comforts. If there is instability of these conditions, fear will restrict the muladhara development. Fear is the primary emotion that inhibits full development of the muladhara chakra. Fear creates imbalance manifested by fear of abandonment, fear of death, anxiety, hypervigilance or depression, withdrawal, weak immune stystem, fatigue, poor focus, weight imbalances, addictions or sluggishness.

To balance the muladhara chakra at any age the following therapeutics can be implemented.


For more information about chakra therapeutics read The Chakras: Reset The Subtle Body by Dr. Christie, listen to her Chakra Activation Introduction or buy her album Chakra Activation. To schedule a private chakra alignment therapy session, visit her website Visit for more healthy living education, online classes and certifications.

Dr. Christie Smirl has over 25 years of medical experience. She completed a Doctorate of Ayurvedic Medicine from American University of Complimentary Medicine as well as Nurse Practitioner and Master of Science from Loma Linda University. Dr. Christie is also an E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher Trainer YACEP, Reiki Master/Teacher, Tantric Energy Healer and Musician.

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol Martin says:

    Excellent article Christie! I know for sure my Muladhara Chakra were inhibited by the dysfunction in my family! After reading this perhaps my sometimes my lack of libido is because of this? Is there anything I can do to heal my chakra? My friend Deborah and I are planning on coming to the Feeling Groovy concert!!Namaste my beautiful friend


    1. Yes. You can try the therapeutics or schedule an energy balancing session with me where I’ll give you specific therapy recommendations. See you soon! 💛💛💛💛


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