Meditation for Compassion Cultivation Dr. Christie Smirl

Compassion is the ability to feel sympathy, empathy, love and humanity for others who are suffering. Compassion can be extended to those in physical pain, mental pain, social conflict, financial hardships and many other situations. How about holding compassion for somebody who is lashing out in anger or fear? In current society there are so…

Turmeric Ginger Spice Tea by Dr. Christie Smirl

During the cold and flu seasons many clients and friends are seeking natural ways to recover. Turmeric ginger spice tea is a blend of ingredients that Ayurvedic medicine uses to reduce symptoms related to the common cold and influenza. Symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, indigestion, aches and pains and congestion in the head, neck and chest region are related to accumulation of kapha and vata doshas.

Muladhara Chakra Therapy by Dr. Christie

The first of the primary 7 chakras is the muladhara chakra. In English it is referred to as the root chakra. In Sanskrit, muladhara is divided into two terms: mula meaning root and adhara meaning the basis or foundation. This chakra is symbolized by four red petals representing the four compass directions of north, south,…

Introduction to Ayurveda: Doshas 101 by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health system originate over 5,000 years ago in India. Ayurveda is now widely practiced internationally. To understand the foundation tenets of Ayurveda is, the doshas must be mastered.  Here are the dosha basics. There are three doshas that control physiology of the human body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The health science of Ayurveda is also based on the Panchamahaboota theory. Panchamahaboota means 5 elements – Akasha (space), Vayu (wind), Agni (fire), Aap (water), Pritvi (earth). Each dosha is formed by a paring of these elements.  Let’s take a look at how these elements compose Vata, Pitta and Kapha to better understand Ayurvedic physiology. 

Avoid smoothies that cause disease by following Ayurvedic principles. 

Smoothies have been all the rage for quite some time now. The smoothie health craze has created a different way of obtaining nutrition, which at first glance seems “Oh so good”. I remember the first time I walked into a popularized smoothie retailer and ordered a concoction that sounded like a really healthy meal. I…

Triphala to Detox & Rejuvenate

TRIPHALA – Balancing Formula for Detoxification & Rejuvenation Triphala is one of the most recommended Ayurvedic formulation and has been used as a daily supplement for over 5,000 years to balance all three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Triphala is translated as “Three Fruits” and is composed of dried and powdered amalaki, bibhitaki and…