Liver Health by Dr. Christie Smirl

The liver one of the most important organs in the body responsible for a wide range of functions including: Regulating the composition of blood, including the amounts of glucose (sugar), protein, and fat in the bloodstream. Removing bilirubin and other toxins from the blood. Bilirubin is a by-product of the breakdown of red blood cells….

Coping with P.T.S.D. by Dr. Christie Smirl

Post traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.) effects up to 8% of the United States population. P.T.S.D. can be temporary or lead to serious life-long complications unless recognized and managed. There are many reasons people experience P.T.S.D.

Tulsi – Medical Benefits by Dr. Christie Smirl

Tulsi, also known as ocimum sanctum or holy basil, has been revered as a sacred plant with healing properties. This beneficial herb has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for it’s mind enhancing properties and physical benefits earning the names “The Elixir of Life” and “Mother Medicine of Nature”. 

Muladhara Chakra Therapy by Dr. Christie

The first of the primary 7 chakras is the muladhara chakra. In English it is referred to as the root chakra. In Sanskrit, muladhara is divided into two terms: mula meaning root and adhara meaning the basis or foundation. This chakra is symbolized by four red petals representing the four compass directions of north, south,…

Puruṣārthas – The Four Aims of Life by Dr. Christie Smirl

In yoga philosophy there are four aims of human life called the Puruṣārthas.  Puruṣārtha means an “object of human pursuit”. The four puruṣārthas are dharma (duties), artha (prosperity), kāma (pleasure) and mokṣa (liberation). The puruṣārthas are important to evaluate and measure to live a balanced life. If these four aims are looked at like a…

Sweet Potato Lentil Salad by Dr. Christie Smirl 

This salad has become one of my favorite meals to make because it is fast, easy, packed full of nutrients, high protein, high fiber and low calorie. Sweet potato is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, copper, potassium, biotin, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and phosphorus.  Lentils are rich…

Eliminate Aluminium – STINK SCRUB by Christie Smirl 

Aluminium is a source of heavy metal toxicity due to commonly used household items. Unlike other trace elements, the human body does not need aluminium. We consume low levels of aluminium in foods, but when we are exposed to repeated higher quantities the body begins to store it. Higher doses of aluminium builds up in…

Triphala to Detox & Rejuvenate

TRIPHALA – Balancing Formula for Detoxification & Rejuvenation Triphala is one of the most recommended Ayurvedic formulation and has been used as a daily supplement for over 5,000 years to balance all three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Triphala is translated as “Three Fruits” and is composed of dried and powdered amalaki, bibhitaki and…

Hingvashtak for Healthy Digestion

Hingvashtak is a classical Ayurvedic blend of vata-soothing herbs that support the entire digestive system. The combination of ingredients particularly facilitate the proper functioning of Vata.  The qualities of vata are cold, light, rough and dry. When vata is aggravated in the gastrointestinal system, these qualities can inhibit proper digestion and result in gas, bloating,…