Kapha reducing Garden Vegetable Bean Soup by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurveda strongly suggests warming soups to reduce kapha accumulation. Kapha’s gunas (qualities) are guru (heavy), snigdha (unctuous), sheeta (cold), manda (slow), mrudu (soft), sthira (stable) and slaksna (jelly like). If kapha over accumulates in the body, these qualities create stagnancy and diseases related to blocked srotas (channels) such as obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes and abnormal growths. To reduce or prevent kapha accumulation is it recommended to use opposite balancing qualities such as ushna (hot), laghu (light), sara (fluid) and drava (liquid). This kapha reducing garden vegetable bean soup is an excellent recipe to keep excessive kapha at bay.


5 cups cubed organic potatoes

4 cups chopped organic carrots

3 cups chopped organic Bok Choy

3 cups chopped organic celery

4 cups cooked organic beans

3 tablespoons ghee

1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt

1 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper

2 teaspoon curry powder

1 teaspoon mustard seeds




Steam the potatoes and carrots till soft.

Saute celery and bok choy in the ghee, salt, pepper, curry, mustard seeds and 1 cup water for 10 minutes.

Add beans, steamed potatoes and carrots and  5 cups of filtered water to the sauteed celery and bok choy.

Simmer 5 minutes.

Serves 4 – 5. Top each serving with 1/2 teaspoon Hingvashtak powder. 

This is recipe may slightly raise Pitta due to the mustard seeds and potatoes (night shade) but only mildly.

This recipe may slightly elevate vata due to the potatoes and beans, but the ginger, garlic, mustard seeds, ghee and liquid warmth should balance everything nicely.

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Dr. Christie Smirl has over 25 years of medical experience. She completed a Doctorate of Ayurvedic Medicine from American University of Complimentary Medicine as well as Nurse Practitioner and Master of Science from Loma Linda University. Dr. Christie is also an E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher Trainer YACEP, Reiki Master/Teacher, Tantric Energy Healer and Musician.

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