This Sunday, satsang and meditation was on the sacred seed mantra AUM. AUM is the universal sound of creation, the imperishable sound, the seed of all that exists, the past, the present and the future. Everything unfolds from AUM. Whatever transcends the three realms, indeed is the flowering of AUM. In this video I discuss AUM, the sacred syllable, to beeja mantra that is omnipresent through all of creation. Join me for a simple yet powerful and effective meditation upon AUM.

The Power of Pranayama – Dharma Warrior TV

It was an honor and pleasure to be featured on Dharma Warrior TV to present “The Power of Pranayama” as part of the series “Yoga: Life Transformation Beyond Fitness”. For thousands of years, yogis have harnessed and manipulated vital life forces through breath control. In this podcast and blog I discuss the benefits of pranayama and teach two techniques to take back control over your physiology, mind and subtle body.

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl Ayurveda is the comprehensive science of wellness that originated in India over 5,000 years ago and is still widely practice globally. In Ayurveda each person has a unique Prakruti which is your body constitution. Each person’s Prakruti is determined by a unique combination of Doshas,…

Respiratory Integrated Health by Dr. Christie Smirl

The respiratory system is responsible for bringing life the the body. In Advanced Life Support or CPR, breathing is the first thing assessed. No breath, no life. The respiratory anatomy consists of the nose, mouth, sinuses, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, right lung with three lobes, left lung with two lobes, the diaphragm, cilia and alveoli….

Meditation for Compassion Cultivation Dr. Christie Smirl

Compassion is the ability to feel sympathy, empathy, love and humanity for others who are suffering. Compassion can be extended to those in physical pain, mental pain, social conflict, financial hardships and many other situations. How about holding compassion for somebody who is lashing out in anger or fear? In current society there are so…

Svadhisthana Chakra Therapy by Dr. Christie Smirl

The second of the primary 7 chakras is the svadhisthana chakra. In English it is referred to as the sacral chakra. In Sanskrit, svadhisthana means “one’s own base”. This chakra is symbolized by an orange 6 petaled lotus flower representing the mastery over 6 modes of consciousness, known as vrittis: affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness,…

Coping with P.T.S.D. by Dr. Christie Smirl

Post traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.) effects up to 8% of the United States population. P.T.S.D. can be temporary or lead to serious life-long complications unless recognized and managed. There are many reasons people experience P.T.S.D.

Balanced Mental Well Being with Ayurveda by Dr. Christie Smirl

Mental well being is a primary pillar of health. Everybody strives for optimal concentration, memory, sleep patterns and emotional balance. Western allopathic medicine and modern psychology can be dramatically augmented with the medical science of Ayurveda. Ayurveda understands the functioning of the human mind according to three gunas (qualities). The three gunas that influence the…

Turmeric Ginger Spice Tea by Dr. Christie Smirl

During the cold and flu seasons many clients and friends are seeking natural ways to recover. Turmeric ginger spice tea is a blend of ingredients that Ayurvedic medicine uses to reduce symptoms related to the common cold and influenza. Symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, indigestion, aches and pains and congestion in the head, neck and chest region are related to accumulation of kapha and vata doshas.

Amazing Benefits of Fennel by Dr. Christie Smirl

Fennel is a delicious celery-like winter vegetable full of amazing health benefits. The white bulb, long green stalks, seeds, and leaves are all edible. Fennel is harvested in the fall and traditionally seen in fall or winter recipes. Fennel as a vegetable can be steamed, sautéed, chopped in salads, blended or juiced in health drinks…

CHAKRAS – Your Subtle Body by Dr. Christie Smirl

Higher levels of health and wellness can be obtained when we realize that we are so much more than just a brain and physical biochemical body. For thousands of years, Ancient scholars and physicians from civilizations across the globe knew about the subtle energy systems and that are integral to our existence and health.

Mantras in Medicine by Dr. Christie Smirl

Mantras have become a key therapeutic in my Integrative Medical practice. Most of my clients experience some degree of mental discomfort in the form of anxiety, fear, worry, chronic physical pain, depression, grief or anger. In an attempt to reduce the number of prescriptions for pain and psychiatric medications, I started giving my patients prescriptions for mantra.

Kapha reducing Garden Vegetable Bean Soup by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurveda strongly suggests warming soups to reduce kapha accumulation. Kapha’s gunas (qualities) are guru (heavy), snigdha (unctuous), sheeta (cold), manda (slow), mrudu (soft), sthira (stable) and slaksna (jelly like). If kapha over accumulates in the body, these qualities create stagnancy and diseases related to blocked srotas (channels) such as obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes and abnormal…