Science of Healing Sound

Around 2011, I experienced a profound healing. As a medical professional, I could not explain what happened to me. I laid flat on my back in the old packing house in Claremont. A wave of fury overcame my mind. The goal was to meditate and relax, but there I was about to lose my cool at a “sound bath”. I had never attended this…

Reversing Muscular-Skeletal Aging – Use It Or Lose It

Most of us have heard the expression “rocking chair mentality”. The reason this image conjures fear in many adults is fear of becoming stiff or crippled. The phrase “use it or lose it” is true in the muscular-skeletal world. As we stop exercising, the human body degrades, constricts and becomes immobile. The adult human body…

AGNI – The Power of Health, Immunity and Transformation with Dr. Christie Smirl and Craig Williams

This conversation interweaves concepts from functional nutrition, sports fitness, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, yoga and more. The main focus was on the following:
AGNI related to jatar-agni, digestion and nutrition
AGNI related to srota-agni, dhatu-agni and health of the physical body constituents
AGNI related to immunity to disease and cellular modulation
AGNI related to manas-agni, mental fortitude, adaptation and psychiatry
AGNI in relationship to cosmic forces and advanced mental development

Pathogens and Fire Purification

Studies have scientifically validated the ethnopharmacological effects of performing fire ceremonies. Medicinal smoke emanated by burning a mixture of odoriferous and medicinal herbs, reduces viruses and aerial bacterial. One study in the journal of Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed a 94% reduction in airborne bacteria with measurable reductions up to 30 days later.

Winter Vegetables and Ayurvedic Health Tips

When Vata increases our bodies may feel dry, cold, windy and achy, manefesting dry skin, dry bowels, creaky joints, cold hands, poor circulation, gas, bloating, insomnia or anxiety.

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl Ayurveda is the comprehensive science of wellness that originated in India over 5,000 years ago and is still widely practice globally. In Ayurveda each person has a unique Prakruti which is your body constitution. Each person’s Prakruti is determined by a unique combination of Doshas,…

Respiratory Integrated Health by Dr. Christie Smirl

The respiratory system is responsible for bringing life the the body. In Advanced Life Support or CPR, breathing is the first thing assessed. No breath, no life. The respiratory anatomy consists of the nose, mouth, sinuses, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, right lung with three lobes, left lung with two lobes, the diaphragm, cilia and alveoli….

Liver Health by Dr. Christie Smirl

The liver one of the most important organs in the body responsible for a wide range of functions including: Regulating the composition of blood, including the amounts of glucose (sugar), protein, and fat in the bloodstream. Removing bilirubin and other toxins from the blood. Bilirubin is a by-product of the breakdown of red blood cells….

Sea Salt Bath Detoxification by Dr. Christie Smirl

Are you looking for a easy, inexpensive way to improve your health and well being? Try taking a detoxification bath. Sea salt baths have been used for centuries to promote health, healing and beauty.

Manipura Chakra Therapeutics by Dr. Christie Smirl

The third of the primary 7 chakras is the manipura chakra. In English it is referred to as the solar plexus chakra. In Sanskrit, manipura means “city of jewels”. This chakra is symbolized by a yellow 10 petaled lotus flower representing the mastery over spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and…

Healthy Mind Rejuvenation with Brahmi by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurveda understands that the mind can be rejuvenated and supported by natural herbs that have medhya (mind) actions. Brahmi has been used since ancient times to support proper brain function. The leaves enhance memory, concentration and sattva – mental harmony and spiritual well being. Brahmi has many other medical uses. Ayurvedic Properties of Brahmi Rasa…

Ayurvedic Spring Health by Dr Christie Smirl

The vernal equinox signals the beginning of spring once the sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north. After the spring equinox we will start enjoying earlier sunrises, later sunsets and beautiful blooms. This change in season also triggers a change in the doshas (Ayurvedic biological forces) within our bodies. The ancient science of…

Balanced Mental Well Being with Ayurveda by Dr. Christie Smirl

Mental well being is a primary pillar of health. Everybody strives for optimal concentration, memory, sleep patterns and emotional balance. Western allopathic medicine and modern psychology can be dramatically augmented with the medical science of Ayurveda. Ayurveda understands the functioning of the human mind according to three gunas (qualities). The three gunas that influence the…

Kapha Pacifying Khichdi with Dr. Christie Smirl

Khichdi, also known as kitchari, is an ancient yogi meal that balances the dhatus (tissues) and doshas (physiological forces). Khichdi is often prescribed to be consumed for 30 days to balance the doshas vata, pitta and kapha to detoxify the body. In India I enjoyed the availability of this nourishing, filling meal anytime of the…

Avoid smoothies that cause disease by following Ayurvedic principles. 

Smoothies have been all the rage for quite some time now. The smoothie health craze has created a different way of obtaining nutrition, which at first glance seems “Oh so good”. I remember the first time I walked into a popularized smoothie retailer and ordered a concoction that sounded like a really healthy meal. I…