Navigating Health through Mother Nature’s Seasons

Did you know that for thousands of years, Ayurveda has illustrated the importance of living in harmony with the changing seasons. When we connect with Mother Earth through gardening and observation, we connect to Her changing seasons and witness what special nutrients are being offered during each seasonal shift. For instance, this summer, I look forward to enjoying the medicinal benefits of cilantro greens that I planted. Fresh cilantro greens help to regulate digestion, support the liver and reduce heavy metal build up in the body. Once the cilantro plant bolts, I will be able to harvest the coriander seeds which have their own unique medicinal profile.

Red Lentils & Spiced Celery

I love cooking up lentils. They are mildly flavored, filling and very versatile. Lentils are a great source of protein, fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals. Here’s the breakdown!

The Power of Spice Tea

Spices have always been a hot commodity, but it seems that much of the population has forgotten that these spices are not just for flavor, they serve as alchemical ingredients! When there are shifts in digestion, seasonal changes and periods of transition, spices can be a phenomenal method of rejuvenation, disease prevention and healing. Many of…

Healthy Mind Rejuvenation with Brahmi by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurveda understands that the mind can be rejuvenated and supported by natural herbs that have medhya (mind) actions. Brahmi has been used since ancient times to support proper brain function. The leaves enhance memory, concentration and sattva – mental harmony and spiritual well being. Brahmi has many other medical uses. Ayurvedic Properties of Brahmi Rasa…

Ayurvedic Spring Health by Dr Christie Smirl

The vernal equinox signals the beginning of spring once the sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north. After the spring equinox we will start enjoying earlier sunrises, later sunsets and beautiful blooms. This change in season also triggers a change in the doshas (Ayurvedic biological forces) within our bodies. The ancient science of…

Tulsi – Medical Benefits by Dr. Christie Smirl

Tulsi, also known as ocimum sanctum or holy basil, has been revered as a sacred plant with healing properties. This beneficial herb has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for it’s mind enhancing properties and physical benefits earning the names “The Elixir of Life” and “Mother Medicine of Nature”. 

Turmeric Ginger Spice Tea by Dr. Christie Smirl

During the cold and flu seasons many clients and friends are seeking natural ways to recover. Turmeric ginger spice tea is a blend of ingredients that Ayurvedic medicine uses to reduce symptoms related to the common cold and influenza. Symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, indigestion, aches and pains and congestion in the head, neck and chest region are related to accumulation of kapha and vata doshas.

Aama – Metabolic Toxicity by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurveda understands clearly the process of metabolic toxicity. When the body undergoes improper metabolism of food in the gastro-intestinal system, a toxic substance called aama may develop. Initially, this toxic aama will be isolated in the gut and may be excreted through the feces, but if aama continues to accumulate through abnormal diet and digestion, it will spread through the rasa (plasma) and travel to a weakened dhatus (body tissues). Aama creates the substrate for disease. For this reason, Ayurveda always targets the elimination of aama from the body during any panchakarma (detoxification) or rasayana (rejuvenation) protocol. 

Avoid smoothies that cause disease by following Ayurvedic principles. 

Smoothies have been all the rage for quite some time now. The smoothie health craze has created a different way of obtaining nutrition, which at first glance seems “Oh so good”. I remember the first time I walked into a popularized smoothie retailer and ordered a concoction that sounded like a really healthy meal. I…

Amazing Benefits of Fennel by Dr. Christie Smirl

Fennel is a delicious celery-like winter vegetable full of amazing health benefits. The white bulb, long green stalks, seeds, and leaves are all edible. Fennel is harvested in the fall and traditionally seen in fall or winter recipes. Fennel as a vegetable can be steamed, sautéed, chopped in salads, blended or juiced in health drinks…

Triphala to Detox & Rejuvenate

TRIPHALA – Balancing Formula for Detoxification & Rejuvenation Triphala is one of the most recommended Ayurvedic formulation and has been used as a daily supplement for over 5,000 years to balance all three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Triphala is translated as “Three Fruits” and is composed of dried and powdered amalaki, bibhitaki and…

Hingvashtak for Healthy Digestion

Hingvashtak is a classical Ayurvedic blend of vata-soothing herbs that support the entire digestive system. The combination of ingredients particularly facilitate the proper functioning of Vata.  The qualities of vata are cold, light, rough and dry. When vata is aggravated in the gastrointestinal system, these qualities can inhibit proper digestion and result in gas, bloating,…