Big Bear Yoga Festival

It is an honor to be teaching at Big Bear Yoga Festival this year. Join me Saturday, October 1st 2022!

A True Lectio Divina

It was an honor today to receive this feedback and review on the upcoming book Mother Gnosis. As of today, Mother Gnosis is in review and being considered by an esoteric book publisher. Very exciting!! Stay tuned. “This book is a profound and moving devotional song to the Mother. Truly, a gem from the heart…

Dandelion Sauté – Recipe – Medical Properties and Nutritional Benefits

Dandelions, also known as simhadanti or lion’s tooth, are often viewed as weed, ripped out, thrown away or sprayed with weed killer. Before eradicating them from your yard, get to know their medicinal uses. Taraxacum officinalis, is the botanical name since one to the chief constituents of the plant is taraxacin, a bitter glycoside. In English it is also affectionately called blowball, priest’s crown, puffball, swine snout, wild endive or dandelion.

The whole plant is edible and nutritious. The leaves, flowers and shoots can be sautéed or stirfried. The leaves can be added to salads. I often place 1 cup of leaves into the blender with 1 cup water for a gentle detox juice. Or you can make a saute.

Navigating Health through Mother Nature’s Seasons

Did you know that for thousands of years, Ayurveda has illustrated the importance of living in harmony with the changing seasons. When we connect with Mother Earth through gardening and observation, we connect to Her changing seasons and witness what special nutrients are being offered during each seasonal shift. For instance, this summer, I look forward to enjoying the medicinal benefits of cilantro greens that I planted. Fresh cilantro greens help to regulate digestion, support the liver and reduce heavy metal build up in the body. Once the cilantro plant bolts, I will be able to harvest the coriander seeds which have their own unique medicinal profile.

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl Ayurveda is the comprehensive science of wellness that originated in India over 5,000 years ago and is still widely practice globally. In Ayurveda each person has a unique Prakruti which is your body constitution. Each person’s Prakruti is determined by a unique combination of Doshas,…