Healing Digestion – Ayurvedic, TCM & Functional Nutrition as Tools for Transformation | Online Training Series

Join Craig Williams LAc of Ayurveda Austin and I starting April 30th as we cover Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Functional Medicine approaches to healing and balancing the digestive system! TOPICSModule 1: Healing Digestion: Ayurvedic Tools Recognizing the signs, symptoms and sources of digestion abnormalities based on Ayurvedic principles. Learn Ayurvedic approaches for healing digestion.  …

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines for Balanced Doshas by Dr. Christie Smirl Ayurveda is the comprehensive science of wellness that originated in India over 5,000 years ago and is still widely practice globally. In Ayurveda each person has a unique Prakruti which is your body constitution. Each person’s Prakruti is determined by a unique combination of Doshas,…

Respiratory Integrated Health by Dr. Christie Smirl

The respiratory system is responsible for bringing life the the body. In Advanced Life Support or CPR, breathing is the first thing assessed. No breath, no life. The respiratory anatomy consists of the nose, mouth, sinuses, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, right lung with three lobes, left lung with two lobes, the diaphragm, cilia and alveoli….

Ayurvedic Spring Health by Dr Christie Smirl

The vernal equinox signals the beginning of spring once the sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north. After the spring equinox we will start enjoying earlier sunrises, later sunsets and beautiful blooms. This change in season also triggers a change in the doshas (Ayurvedic biological forces) within our bodies. The ancient science of…